Step by step manifestation process

There is a chance of making your dreams come true! You've to write your manifestation & need to ask the universe for what you want.

You know, when you thought about something you wanted to see, do, create, experience, or become — and eventually, you actually did it?

The Words we say and the suggestions, thoughts that we give ourselves have the power to shape our lives.

We are just needed to operate the Manifestation Machine that is our own Subconscious MIND  that takes 95% of life decisions.

What is Manifesting?

Manifesting is co-creating with the universe. Using your creative energy around you and put your vibrations from negative to super positive, and your vibration attracts good or bad things into your life.

Most people attract the Negatives because they don’t know how easily they can change their Thought Patterns and Vibrations to attract what they want.

But once you’re open to experiences the universe brings your way, you can receive anything you want.

A lot of us receive manifestations without even realizing it.

3 Powerful techniques that you need to try now:

  1. Scripting
  2. Dimension jumpin
  3. 55×5 Method

I’ve had mind-blowing results and many of my mentees have too! Worth the try if you ask me.

Likewise, in my 21 Day Mind Programming Workshop one of my amazing mentee “Subin”, he has manifested his unbelievable dreams with the power of his subconscious mind.

Like, a powerful manifestor, who is a great catalyst in life.

Check his story ahead…

Subin *LIVE* interview how it all began to manifest

Watch how he stood ready confidently for the overflowing abundance.

Manifestations started happening in my life automatically with NLP & Law of Attraction

A glimpse of my steps from taking my action to getting into receiver mode.

1. Pouring myself daily with success manifestation habits:

I was already a powerful manifestor and I could raise the vibrations & I knew it, but somewhere I was not not able to implement this process correctly.

Since I joined Yashica ma’am program I figured out where I’m going wrong in the manifestation process of fulfilling my dreams.

It is completely a reprogramming of my life I would say.

I’ve corrected it and now I’m getting instant results with the help of 21 Day Mind Programming Workshop.

During this workshop, my career has taken a boost. I don’t even know how to calculate it into hundred or thousands.

Here is the journal activity where I wrote all that I was manifesting.

2. To start manifesting be clear about goals.

I know exactly what I want whether it is in health, wealth and relationships.

According to one task given in this program, I got excited and just wrote my all luxurious manifestations that was my big dreams once.

I’ve created a list of the things that I always wanted to manifest.

You can see the list below

And they keep happening one after the other in completely unexpected ways.

3. Prevent and overcome limiting beliefs

As I kept work towards my goals, some question arose in my mind whether it would actually appear.

But during the workshop I learnt how to prevent or control those negative & limiting beliefs. To manifest, you have to trust the process.

Whenever I find myself doubting,

I always repeat this

Its Done! It’s Done! It’s Done!

A quote that helps you:

“What you seek is seeking you.” ~Rumi

4. focus on what do you want

In relation to limiting beliefs, It is one of a key manifestation tips – (don’t focus on what you don’t want) Focus on what you DO want.

Whatever you focus on is what you’ll get more of.

Create a goal card to remain focused all the time.

These are the manifesting steps that I followed regularly to fulfilling my dreams.

One thing that is definitely for sure, is that Universe works in mysterious ways. You can ask, and ask, and ask. Leave it to the rest of the universe.

One such unimaginable thing happened to me when I got stuck at a 5 Start resort in Tourist Place due to floods in Kerala in October 2021.

There I met with the GM and director of sales, and they gave me such a good offer which I could not refuse. I ended up signing a contract there.

Then when I reached back to home safely, I had come as a new investor.

Things would never come according to your plan.

But when you want something wholeheartedly, whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Channelise your thoughts in 21 Day Mind Programming workshop to become the next level of yourself.

List of my succeeding during the workshop:

1. Black Velar Range Rover

Just wrote in a excitement way in my manifestations list, I never know that it will be fulfill so soon.

But somewhere I believed my mentor Yashica Mam and followed all the techniques religiously which were mentioned in the workshop.

My Positive vibrations had gone to such a higher frequencies that universe acknowledged and works for me to fulfill my manifestations.

2. 5 Star Luxury Resort in Kerala

One of my luxurious manifestations which I wanted somewhere from the beginning.
This one I got in such circumstances when I was stuck in a resort at the time of flood in Kerala and the universe fix a deal there for me and in the end, I returned overnight after finalizing a 5 Star resort when situation came under control.

3. Manifested Unexpected Money

Manifested unexpected income from all the ways.

Now I’m open to receive all the flowing abundance and prosperity in my Life.

Thank You Universe!

When you think about something, you’re actually sending out vibrations into the universe that will attract those same things back to you.

It’s important for manifestors to stay on top of their vibration so they can bring in more goodness into their lives and create positive change in the world around them.

The Journey of fulfilling the dreams still continuing…

Whenever I follow all the modules of this workshop in a discipline way, I’m getting the results whether it is financially or in health.

Surely this will inspire you to believe the power of manifestations and work towards your goals. 🧲

As you know the Universe operates in a mysterious way, he manifested his luxurious dreams in a way that is totally unbelievable.

Many thousands of people like Subin have made their dreams come true in this program!

Do you also want to manifest the same?

21-Day Mind Programming Workshop

Master your subconscious mind, attract 10x better health, wealth & relationship in next 21 days. Join the upcoming batch of this transformational journey.

Yashica Jalhotra

Hi,I’m Yashica. Your Mentor, NLP Coach. Entrepreneur. Writer. LOA Expert. Speaker and Author of The #1 Bestselling Book - 21 Laws to Manifest the Life You Desire.
Let me show you how to Speed Up the Manifestation of your desires with the Power of your Mind.

You just have to learn how to use your Subconscious Powers and work for it!

These elements is all it takes, to rewire your life within this shortest time, and this is why I created this 21 DAY WORKSHOP for you!

To learn the sampe approval MIND HACKS, join me in the 21 Day Mind Programming Journey and learn how to Rewire your Mind and manifest your dreams easily.

Some other Miraculous success stories from the people who used my training system

1. Dr. Rajesh received lakhs of bonuses within 2 days.

2. Subin manifested Range Rover and bought a resort in Kerala within 15 days.

3. Deepak quickly healed from Spondylitis Pain.

4. Divya unexpectedly got an SUV car.

5. Dr. Shree Priya bought a new luxurious home, healedherself from diabetes and received unexpected business opportunities.

6. Navodita got rid of 15 year old depression and got a new job with 10X salary hike

7. Dr Aastha manifested her dream life partner exactly as desired (was struggling to find the perfect match for the last 2 years).

8. Sandeep got two international business projects in one day despite several business hurdles he was facing during the lockdown.

9. Deepanjali healed her emotional pains in a month and attracted continuous international income.

10. Richa manifested her fitness goals by losing 30kg and also manifested her soulmate.
and the list continues 😍 .…

Today it's your turn

21-Day Mind Programming Workshop

Master your subconscious mind, attract 10x better health, wealth & relationship in next 21 days. Join the upcoming batch of this transformational journey.

Yashica Jalhotra

Hi,I’m Yashica. Your Mentor, NLP Coach. Entrepreneur. Writer. LOA Expert. Speaker and Author of The #1 Bestselling Book - 21 Laws to Manifest the Life You Desire.
Let me show you how to Speed Up the Manifestation of your desires with the Power of your Mind.

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