Celebrating Silver Jubilee of 21-Day Transformational Program
25th Batch begins with 125 mentees
I know what is it like living your dream.
Living your dream is far easier than you think.
No, this is not a Motivational Post that’ll boost your hormones for 25 minutes.
This is a PRACTICAL post that shows how I’m living my dream while helping 7000+ people to live their dreams.

The Choice of Fulfillment Over Money
My previous career as a journalist was once my dream, and yes it also gave me more than I ever wanted.
But, I always wanted to help people.
I wanted to see more people achieve their dreams as I did.
Now finally, being a successful NLP Life Coach I wouldn’t say I achieved my dream, rather I am living it.
In fact, this week we are celebrating Silver Jubilee of my Flagship Program batch for the 21-Day Transformation Course with my 25th CONSECUTIVE batch of mentees from all over the globe.
This batch being special as it is the First batch of 2020 with 125 amazing mentees who not only are aware of their problems but are also committed to smash them.
What My Mentees Chose the 21-Day Transformation Course
The 21-Day program has been my Flagship Course since its launch in June 2018.
And, I say it Flagship not because it’s expensive or it made me earn money. But, because it has won the trust of most people.
One of my mentee who enrolled into this program for the 6th time in a row.
said, it was because the program helped him achieve 3 of his resolutions last year and wanted to take my help to fulfill his resolutions for current year as well.
Offering all my learnings into a compelling package that have been changing my mentees lives and will continue to do so, all that in a Pocket Friendly manner.
People ranging from Homemakers to top Entrepreneurs, Navy and Army Officials, IT and Finance Professionals, Bankers, Businessmen and Housemakers, all over the world from across the USA, Singapore, Australia, to the smallest of Indian States, have successfully changed their mindsets and solved their ever longing problems.
I feel lucky for getting a chance to serve and help such amazing people.
Not just my mentees, I love helping everyone who follow me & I’ll continue to do so.
The 21 days program has been a massive success over the years, and no I’m not saying that, the results my mentees share is the evidence.
That being the only reason, I thought to even start an Advanced 3-Month Training Program.
In the beginning I was a bit skeptical to launch it Now or Later but you guys just made it a breeze for me.
In fact, this program was SOLD OUT within the 1st hour of launch.
Can’t Thank You Enough Guys…
I know I might be sounding like a track kept on repeat, but, I just can’t thank you guys enough for showing such amazing support.
You deserve a tap on your back.
I wish you luck for whichever things you’ve planned to achieve this year. Let’s celebrate the Silver Jubilee together 🙂 Will you celebrate your own progress, your own capabilities and above all will you celebrate your decision to take charge of your life?
Comment, Yes. I Celebrate 🙂
Thank You Thank You Thank You